Top tips and tricks for home design

No matter if you’re moving into a new home or have been there for several years, you should always be looking for ways you can improve the property.

In order to do this, you should conduct plenty of research and be armed with a number of tricks.

Even a small change to your home can have a huge effect on your lifestyle, so everything should be given great consideration. #

With the tips below you’ll be able to improve your home without spending a fortune in the process.


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Paint is a quick and easy way to completely transform your home. You can create a lighter or darker impression instantly and there are seemingly endless opportunities when it comes to your colour options. Even a small and cramped room can be enlarged with the right painting techniques. Traditionally you can create an optical illusion of more space with lighter shades, whilst darker colours help to achieve accented effects.


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With mirrors you can bounce daylight around your home, giving the impression of more space. This is easy enough to do as well, by simply placing a mirror on the other side of the room to where the light is flooding in. You can purchase decorative mirrors too to really brighten up the home, but ensure they’re placed in strategic locations.


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With patterns you can really show your creative side, with an opportunity to set your property apart from the crowd. Whether you want to create a centrepiece or a theme throughout your house, patterns can certainly be your answer. Of course, there are many different patterns and designs available and a lot will come down to personal preference. What one person will love, another could hate.


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Wicker is an underused material in the home, but it really can be used to great effect. Wicker baskets are something you should invest in, with an excellent visual appeal whilst providing handy storage spaces. Smaller wicker baskets could be used in the kitchen to keep your fruit, whilst in the bedroom you may consider displaying your books, and in the bathroom your towels.


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